Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Artist in Residence Week 9: Finalizing Everything

Today is the day where I finalize anything that needed to be done that they may need for this site. Mostly some minor things such as adding some specific information in areas that were involved with accepting donations for tax purposes. some little tweaks here and there were made upon request but nothing to major that effects the overall functionality of the website.

One more time I had Gayle go through the posting process to show me that she had full understanding of the platform. I was there to help her out and answer any questions she had about posting or any of the other basic functionality that the website has. I walked her through most of the essential tools of the platform to help her fully understand everything.

Once that was finished and everyone was happy with what was done, we shook hands and we parted ways.

The overall experience at this location was rather unique. I was able to work in an environment with a completely different demographic than I was use to and was able to learn more about some of the history here in Saint Augustine and America as a whole.

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